Climbing Out of the Creative Abyss: How to Find Inspiration When Creativity Takes a Vacation.

4 min readAug 18, 2023


Where Were We?

Just like a prism, refracting the light of imagination into a thousand brilliant colors, I have always been a creative person. I have always felt this world is filled with possibilities and if you take a wild guess, you could say my curiosity guided me to Product Design. Curiosity and opportunities for a better quality of life.

From working on personal case study projects to working on real-life projects, it all seems thrilling and exciting — riding on a creative spark to come up with life-changing ideas that make day-to-day human lives as easy as possible. As important as that spark is in creating something unique and different, it is just as important that you nurture it. Sometimes I forget to nurture it and just keep going until I cannot anymore.

Photo by Anne Spratt on Unsplash

Losing My Spark.

What happens when you find yourself in the middle of a project, only to feel the spark that ignited your enthusiasm at the beginning gradually fade away? I tend to realize that I’m not my optimistic self and suddenly feel that sense of exhaustion creeping in, almost as if the initial passion is gone. Then in the midst of it all, a realization hits me: Stopping is simply not an option.

This was where I found myself during a recent dashboard E-Commerce project I worked on, I felt very much unfulfilled, bored, and in a deep creative abyss. I was so confused, how could something that once excited me and offered so much promise suddenly evoke this sense of dissatisfaction? This project which had started with vibrant energy and high hopes, had somehow made me feel lost and unsure about my direction.

As I reflected on my journey, I realized that this creative slump was not an isolated incident but a common phase experienced by many creatives. It’s in these moments that we are challenged to redefine our relationship with our work. And how to keep going. Let me tell you, in order to keep going, you have to acknowledge the exhaustion, burnout, need for rest and find ways to refuel. You also have to embrace every shortcoming. We are constantly on this hamster wheel not knowing when to stop and not realizing when we’re in a deficit, It is in embracing all of this the journey truly makes sense.

Blank to Brilliant

One day, just after standup and ready to go back into the tasks I had laid down for the day I watched a video on Tiktok where a man was speaking about how repitition of tasks without adding anything new can reduce chances of different outcomes — same thing everyday no change, same servings of coffee, same color of gym wears, same work position. In this video he went on saying the human mind has the tendency to become accustomed to repetitive experiences, leading to a sense of monotony and disinterest over time. I paused for a moment, I knew this had to be the answer I have been looking for, how to get out of this funk.

Photo by Konstantin Dyadyun on Splash

I started picking up things I loved outside of work and it honestly felt like a breath of fresh air, the most random thing made a whole difference in my day, feeding my inspirations and expressing myself creatively in my designs. I had to find that balance. Journaling served as a valuable tool for me to declutter my mind. In addition, I embraced new hobbies to ignite my creativity. I also found inspiration in designs I admired, using them as a canvas to hone my skills. Watching other designer’s daily work routine helped as well. This transformation took me from a state of utter boredom and blankness to gradually rediscovering my passion for creating again.

In the journey from creative rot to renewal, I discovered that simple practices can yield profound transformation. Journaling provided me with the space to release mental congestion, while the pursuit of new hobbies injected freshness into my routine. Emulating designs that resonated with me was more than an exercise — it was a pathway to refining my skills. As the hues of boredom gradually faded, they were replaced by the vibrant shades of inspiration. By freeing our thoughts, embracing new experiences, and finding inspiration in the works of others, we can rise above the everyday and uncover our inner potential.

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10/10 I recommend. You can find me here OR LinkedIN Asiegbu Chinyere